Foxconn worker writes open letter about union elections to the Foxconn union

A letter which claims to be from a Foxconn worker at Foxconn’s Longhua plant addressed to the Foxconn trade union has recently appeared online. The worker, who says that they are an ordinary level employee and union member, writes that they were surprised to recently have seen a banner at the plant announcing a union election, due to the announcement being so sudden. Having been a Foxconn employee for many years, the worker says that they know that many employees only know very little about the union and are unaware of the importance of democratic elections.

In such a situation, with the sudden announcement and the majority of workers unaware, they think that the election can only represent a mere formality. A number of recommendations to the union are then made. These include the extensive publicity of union elections, the standardization of the election process and elimination of illegal elections and irregularities, democratic elections in which each member can take part without external interference (a number of necessary procedures are outlined), that the union actively perform its duties, and finally that the union will take the voices of the workers seriously.

The full letter is available in Chinese.

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