At least four labour activists remain in criminal detention following a recent crackdown on labour organisations.
From 3 - 5 December, labour NGOs based in Guangdong province were targeted in a harsh and unexpected wave of detentions. At least four labour NGOs have been targeted and 25 NGO staff and volunteers have been detained and questioned by police, seven of whom either remain in detention or cannot be contacted. These include Panyu Workers’ Centre director Zeng Feiyang and staff member Zhu Xiaomei; Foshan Nanfeiyan Social Work Services Organization director He Xiaobo; labour activists Peng Jiayong, Deng Xiaoming, Meng Han, and Tang Jian. Four individuals - Zeng Feiyang, He Xiaobo, Zhu Xiaomei and Deng Xiaoming - are confirmed as being in detention.
The Chinese government purports to advance the “rule of law” within its borders and promotes the idea of a civilized and peaceful rise internationally. However, local governments abuse their power, using violence and arrests to repress and intimidate labour organizations, preventing Chinese workers from pursuing fundamental labour rights, including freedom of association and the right to strike and collective bargaining.
As organisations and individuals working labour rights, we call on the Chinese government to:
1. Immediately release all the aforementioned detained labour activists
2. Stop suppressing labour activists, labour organisations and civil society organisations.
3. Respect and protect the development and freedom of civil society as prescribed by China’s Constitution.
Initiated by
Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
Globalization Monitor
Co-signed by (Organisations, listed in no particular order):
1. 勞動力Worker Empowerment
2. 中國勞動透視Labour Action China
3. 勞工教育及服務網絡Labour Education and Service Network
4. 大學師生監察無良企業行動Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour
5. 亞洲專訊資料研究中心Asia Monitor Resource Centre
6. 中國勞工通訊China Labour Bulletin
7. 紅氣球編輯組Red Balloon Editorial Group
8. 街坊工友服務處Neighbourhood and Worker Service Centre
9. 飲食及酒店業職工總會Catering And Hotels Industries Employees General Union
10. 社會福利機構員工會Social Welfare Organizations Employees Union
11. 旅遊巴士司機工會Coach Drivers Union
12. 清潔服務業職工會Cleaning Service Industry Workers Union
13. 個人及社區服務行業職工總會Personal And Community Services Workers General Union
14. 社區及院舍照顧員總工會Community Care and Nursing Home Workers General Union
15. 建築地盤職工總會Construction Site Workers General Union
16. 香港亞洲家務工工會聯會Hong Kong Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Unions
17. 香港家務助理總工會 Hong Kong Domestic Workers General Union
18. 香港碼頭業職工會Union Of Hong Kong Dockers
19. 太古飲料(香港)職工總會Swire Beverages (Hong Kong) Employees General Union
20. 醫院管理局職工總會 Hospital Authority Employees General Union
21. 香港物業管理及保安職工總會 HK Buildings Management and Security Workers General Union
22. 勞工世界 China Labour Net
23. 中國維權律師關注組 China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
24. 鍾錫熙長洲安老院有限公司員工協會Chung Shak-Hei (Cheung Chau) Home For The Aged. Ltd. Employees Association
25. 香港婦女勞工協會Hong Kong Federation of Asian Domestic Workers Unions
26. 亞洲移居人士聯盟Asian Migrant Coordinating body
27. 大高雄總工會Kaohsiung Federation of Labor Unions
28. 香港天主教勞工事務委員會Hong Kong Catholic Commission for Labour Affairs
29. 香港天主教正義和平委員會Justice & Peace Commission of The H.K. Catholic Diocese
30. 左翼21 Left 21
31. 新婦女協進會The Association for the Advancement of Feminism
32. 基督徒關懷香港學會Christians for Hong Kong Society
33. 基督徒社工Christian Social Workers
34. 香港進步社會工作網絡Hong Kong Progressive Social Work Network
35 香港政策透視 Hong Kong Policy Viewers
36. 社會民主連線 League of Social Democrats
37. 樂群服務社
38. 權利運動人權服務中心
39. Asia Floor Wage Alliance, India
40. Committee for Asia Women, Malaysia
41. Persatan Sahabat Wanita Selangor (Friends of Women), Malaysia
42. North South Initiative, Malaysia
43. SALT Movement Malaysia
44. Center for Alliance of Labor and Human Rights (CENTRAL), Philippines
45. 推廣員及零散工工會
46. Solidarity Steering Committee, USA
47. Gewerkschafts Opposition GO Germany
Number of the Individuals who joined the petition:201
We will not disclose the names of the individuals who signed the petition here. From now on we will only disclose the latest number of the persons who joined the petition.
(Last update of the list: 18:44 10/12/2015)
For more information, please refer to