Letter to Walmart China, by The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalman (BRS)

This is the letter sent by The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalman (BRS) to CEO of Walmart China, regarding to support Chinese Walmart workers' demand on end its “Flexible Working Hour Scheduling”.


August 15, 2016


Mr. Dirk Van den Berghe

President and CEO                                              

Walmart China

Dear Sir:

The Brotherhood of Railroad Signalman (BRS) Local 16 decided at its July meeting in Orlando, Florida (USA) to support the Chinese Walmart workers’ necessary and justifiable demands for justice and dignity. Firstly, Walmart China should end its “Flexible Working Hour Scheduling”. The intimidation and coercion of Chinese Walmart workers to sign “consent” forms for flexible hours should also cease.  Chinese Walmart workers need full time work and a living wage to help secure a decent standard of living.  It is common knowledge that US Walmart workers who work part-time have poverty level wages---they are demanding full-time work and a minimum of $15 an hour.

Secondly, Walmart China should comply with the five point memo agreed to by Walmart China and All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU). Further, Walmart China must cease harassment and intimidation of labor activists and stop meddling in union elections. The BRS believes that Chinese Walmart workers deserve respect.  They need full time work, genuine benefits, and a livable wage. The BRS also believes that Walmart China should adhere to its four core beliefs, including “Act with integrity”, and meet the Chinese Walmart workers’ reasonable demands.


Respectfully yours,

Randall Lee Bolesta

Randall Lee Bolesta

President BRS Local 16

cc: C. Douglas McMillon President and CEO Walmart

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